Sunday, February 28, 2010

snapshot sunday : one of these things is not like the other

snapshot sunday, originally uploaded by miss.mallory.

snapshot sunday, originally uploaded by miss.mallory.

snapshot sunday, originally uploaded by miss.mallory.

snapshot sunday, originally uploaded by miss.mallory.

snapshot sunday, originally uploaded by miss.mallory.

I know I've been pretty absent, particularly over the last two weeks. I spent a good amount of time out of town towards the end of February and all that traveling around seemed to kick my immune systems butt. For the last seven days I've fallen victim to one very serious cold flu. The combination hasn't made blogging a breeze. I'll be back in full force in March. The weather has begun to change, spring has sprung early, the air is sweet & warm and that always inspires me. The sun streaming through the kitchen windows keeps me planted in front of the oven! See you soon!