I know I'm a day late (isn't that always the case?) but I suppose it was because I was too busy enjoying the gorgeous sunny Valentines day we had yesterday. I must admit I didn't really spend it with my special someone, well, not that special someone. I spent the day frolicking around Seattle avec ma mere. We walked through pike place, sipping coffee and eating croissants. There were so many flower vendors, the market throbbed with the smell of petals. And down the street a little gypsy band played. The sun was so warm on our feet and faces. It was truly lovely. I could almost sense spring in the air.
Thomas and I aren't too valentines-y. He's never done much, and I've never cared much. But when I got home (late) I was surprised to find that he'd made a gorgeous beet and goat cheese salad, purchased chocolate gelato, made me a lovely card, and there was a beautiful little pot of green and white orchids on the kitchen counter. Plus, the house was clean and the candles were all lit. So, we enjoyed our salad and gelato curled up on the sofa with the pugs and finished watching the first season of the x-files on vhs (you can laugh if you like, but it was so enjoyable, even if it bordered on uber-dorky)!
Yesterday I happened upon my first french macaron. I know they are popular in other areas of the world, but I hadn't found one yet, not even in Seattle. I've always dreamed of making them and selling them (along with other goodies) at the outdoor market here in fairhaven. Imagine my excitement when there, in the brightly lit case at the little (very) french bakery in pike place, they were. Like little colored soldiers. Just looking back at me. I squealed. Which caused a few people in the long line behind to look ahead with a raised brow. Well, I was so damn excited, it sort of just slipped out. I just chose the color I liked the most, since the flavors weren't labeled. And stupid me, I only bought one. Don't ask me why. I think the excitement clouded my brain and thus my pastry purchasing judgement. I wanted to eat it immediately, but then realized I needed to wait until this morning so I could document my cookie with photographic proof. It was lovely pistachio. Crunchy, chewy, and a little creamy. Oh swoon. Amazing. Now I can't wait to try my hand at making them. I've refrained because I was hesitant to create something I'd never tasted, and thus, had no idea what it should taste like. I may have gone a little photo crazy, but I'm posting them anyway. It's just too thrilling not to post!
I hope everyone had an enjoyable saturday full of sun and loveliness, even if you don't celebrate v-day.

This is the card I gave to Thomas it reads:
IF YOU HAD KETCHUP PACKETS IN YOUR GLOVE BOX I'd have french fries on my floorboard. If you had an "I'm with stupid" shirt, I'd have a pro-wrestling hat. If you shouted "Yahtzee" at climax, I'd shout "Bingo". If you produced a television show called "America's Funniest Animal Attacks", I'd suddenly get mauled by a panda. What I'm trying to get at here is that somehow, someway, you and I just seem to
be made fore each other.

Thanks for the link. GREAT blog.
How cute! And love the French macaroon--I am trying to figure out the ingredients!
Love it. You sound like a fun person to go to Seattle with!
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